Hot waxing is a popular method for lubricating chains, as it repels dirt better than regular chain oils. Black Diamond Hot Wax chain wax combines Black Diamond additive technology with Rex’s 70 years of wax experience.

Black Diamond Hot Wax

Hot waxing does not collect dirt, keeping the entire transmission of the bike clean and repelling dirt more effectively than traditional chain lubes. By switching to hot waxing, bike cleaning becomes much easier, and drivetrain component wear is dramatically decreased in long-term use.

Rex Black Diamond Hot Wax
  • 909 Hot Wax Kit

    4+1 blend clean and maintain its high performance for longer.

Black Diamond Hot Wax

Hot waxing is a popular method for lubricating bike chains. The solid wax repels dirt better than regular chain oils and makes cleaning the bike easier. BLACK DIAMOND HOT WAX chain wax combines advanced lubricating technology with over 70 years of wax experience. A hot-waxed chain stays clean and can be easily cleaned with just hot water.

Black Diamond Hot Wax, Additive block only

Did you make a 4+1 mix from a package of hot wax, and you have 7 extra blocks left? By obtaining just the additive block, you can create another 4+1 mix from the package. The lubricating additives of Rex Black Diamond Hot Wax are concentrated in a single block, cast by hand in our factory laboratory.

Black Diamond Hot Wax, Additive block only
  • 9091 40g Additive Block

    The product should be used only in conjunction with our Black Diamond Hot Wax full package.


